The pictures aren't really in order and I am so sorry this post is late! It was a very low key birthday party for him.
He LOVES water!

Rebekah and Dusty with their son Azi. They brought their water hose over and we hooked it up to the wash machine so we could fill the pools.
Michael's little Froggy pool is So cute ;)

Michael's birthday party was very low key. We had a few friends over and just had cake and ice cream. The cake was adorable, my friend Rebekah made it for him.

He Loved the water

Azi and Michael

It got dark outside fast....and I just love this outfit that was given to him.

Our neighbor gave him a couple of toys her son no longer plays with.

He likes it.

He is TOO cute y'all!

Amber and Elleigh being cute preteens

This is his version of digging in lol this really mine?

oh it is......

I can't believe my baby boy is 1 already! He makes me smile and laugh every day.