While I await for our new baby I'm trying to get everything ready. I don't know how mom did this four times... I am exhausted! Amber is moving in with Alyssa and Michael and Madison will be sharing a room. I decided this would be a better arrangement since we live in a three bedroom home now. Jason still thought it would be better for Amber to have her own room with her own privacy but I somehow led him to the dark side of my thinking and he finally agreed we should do this arrangement. Y'all who know Jason well know how hard it can be to change his mind, so, may the force be with me hahaha ;) Besides, three kids in one room is very snug even though I finally found a good arrangement for the furniture. When Cameron popped over to give clothes for Madison I showed her what I was thinking about with switching rooms and got her thoughts as well and she too thought it would be best to put Amber and Alyssa together and Michael and Madison together.
Y'all should know that it was very chilly outside on Easter morning and raining so we could not take pictures outside. We are talking about taking the kids to the seminary all dressed up for Easter and take better pix over there. We will take better pictures and the girls will not have to wear their sweaters. Jason took the pictures and Amber would not let me do her hair :( She also did Alyssa's hair....she was very sweet to help and was a big help on Easter morning.