Alyssa-you have brought so much joy to our family. Daddy and I are so blessed God gave you to us to love, nurture, educate, and raise you up in a Godly home and in an awesome Godly church! We have watched you grow physically and spiritually and we know God has wonderful things in store for you and for your life to help further the kingdom of Christ in the years to come. We are so proud of you in everything you do. The world would be a better place if more people were like you. We pray God will fill you with his spirit as you continue to love others the way Christ loves you. Happy Birthday My Sweet Baby Girl!! (pink just for you).
She got some new clothes. She LOVED this dress! The smudge on her face is Ice Cream haha.

She wanted a totally different kind of cake this year. I found a $2 heart shaped pan at walmart and bought cookie dough then added ice cream balls with was fun to do with her and definitely different.

And now for our Basketball girl!! Lady Eagles!! YAY! WHOOHOO! Okay, so I get a little's the competitor in me ;p