Here is where we begin. Amber is officially a YOUTH now! How did this happen so fast? If you don't already know, we are members of Wedgwood Baptist Church. The leaders sent a letter to all the parents asking permission to kidnap our kids for breakfast. We made Amber get up at 6am and boy was she cranky! She demanded to know what was going on. She was soon to find out....hee-hee.

This was not a happy teenager!

Next--the bus showed up, I opened the door, and Lisa Jackson came running in and Amber screamed "What?!... Okay, now I'm scared!" and before she could finish her sentence Lisa snatched her up and she screamed "MOMMIE, MOMMIE HELP ME!!!!!" and screamed all the way out to the bus!

Excuse my pictures, I was holding Madison and trying to take pics....Jason was holding Michael and Michael was laughing. He thought it was funny.

This is my favorite picture! AND the reason she is already dressed is because Jason and I made a mistake. She was supposed to remain in bed and they were supposed to wake her up...oh well. At least she had no idea what was going on anyway. Jason said it was just as well since she shares a room with Alyssa...however, Alyssa can sleep through anything!


The youth room

Here are some ramdom pics
She loves her mommie

Me and my sweet baby

I think Madison and I were thinking the same thing here hahaha

Jason took this picture of me....the reason it's so bright is because this is my halo shining all around me....sweet... innocent.... me... hahahaha (right)

Jason hog tied Amber

Grant and Tom

Until next time!!
Yay! A blog post... looks like Amber is all legs. When did she get so tall!
She is definitely all legs. I was like that too when I was little. She is really excited hoping she will be taller than me. I am 5ft 4inch. We will see ;p
Cute post! I actually took no pics of the kidnapping! Hard to believe I know! I was just trying to make sure the little girls did not wake up with all them coming in our house screaming! Elleigh never said a word!
What? You didn't take pics? I am shocked. I am not surprised Ell didn't say anything...she and Alyssa have the same temperament. I was thinking if that had been Alyssa she would not have reacted or said anything at all ;p
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