Welcome to the Family, David!
Born--April 13th, 2011--12:53pm- 7lbs 8oz 21 inches long
The first few pictures are Mobile pics and kind of grainy because I am exhausted and on meds. We are very proud parents and Jason is a wonderful husband! As a mom, my cup overflows and as a wife, I couldn't be any happier with the love I feel from my husband working very hard to take care of me and meet my needs! I respect him so much! I'd love to write more but I'm super tired! Enjoy the pictures, we miss you all so much, and wish we could have a family David party!

A very proud daddy!

Such a sweet face.

On our way home.

I love how he is smiling after nursing. He is snuggled up on mommie.

I feel head over heels for his little toes! hahaha

SO PROUD OF AMBER!! She stepped up to the plate to take on responsibility that wasn't hers to take on. She did a great job with the little ones and is in love with our newest addition.

Beautiful young lady! Growing up so fast!

Jason had the kids make me and David a Welcome home banner! They hung it in the breakfast nook. Brought tears to my eyes to come home to so much love, goodies, and a CLEAN HOUSE!


I think David looks like Michael and Madison in this picture. I can see both of them.

Our Quiver is FULL and my babies make my heart smile! Madison wasn't so thrilled at first.

His first bath and he didn't like it. AND he peed and pooed for the nurse who said..."I've been doing this a long time and haven't had one do this yet" lol

As the doctor was cutting the cord and David was peeing on him, all I heard him say was "Hey, point that thing over there!" Then he peed on the nurse.

Was prepped, bored, and waiting for surgery (which I'm not fond of)

That's it for now folks.
Thanks for sharing these pictures and your story. We are so happy to have another baby in the family and a boy too;) You guys are awesome parents and we love you all.
Love your Florida family,
Joshua and Joann
Have I mentioned lately how adorable this baby is?! :D
Love all these pictures - I can't believe how much everyone is growing up!
You have a beautiful family, my dear. Can't wait to see you guys again!!
we are very proud of are family welove you all mom & mike indiana
+our family is beautiful love the pictures what time is supper? mom & mike
Becky, more pics of baby David!!! Please;)
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